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Thursday, December 21, 2023

Dangote Petroleum Refinery ~ Millions of Nigerians Last Hope

The $19 billion Dangote Petroleum Refinery marked a significant stride towards full-scale production with the delivery of an additional one million barrels of crude oil, bringing the total to two million barrels. This development holds the promise of not only boosting the nation's economy but also alleviating the hardships caused by the soaring cost of petrol in Nigeria.

The refinery's recent purchase of one million barrels of Agbami crude grade from Shell International Trading and Shipping Company Limited underscores its commitment to kickstarting operations. This marks the initial phase of a larger plan, with a total of 6 million barrels set to be supplied by various providers.

The delivery, which was efficiently discharged into the refinery's crude oil tanks, has generated optimism among oil and gas experts who anticipate a positive impact on Nigeria and West Africa. With a production capacity of 350,000 barrels per day, the Dangote Refinery is poised to play a pivotal role in reshaping the economic landscape.

In a recent telephone interview with Vanguard, NJ Ayuk, the Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber, expressed excitement about the refinery's progress. He emphasized the significance of the facility in reducing the country's reliance on fuel imports, a reliance that has persisted for decades despite Nigeria's substantial proven oil reserves.

Ayuk highlighted the forthcoming production of diesel, aviation fuel, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, and Premium Motor Spirit. He emphasized that these products would contribute to Nigeria's self-sufficiency, allowing for exports to regional neighbors and potentially ending fuel subsidies, high prices, and inconsistent supply. This achievement sets a formidable benchmark for other resource-rich African nations.

Dr. Diran Fawibe, the Chairman of International Energy Services, echoed Ayuk's sentiments, acknowledging the positive ripple effects, including job creation. He stressed the importance of refining as a crucial component of a producing country's economic strategy, recalling historical instances where nations engaged in conflicts to secure their energy security.

As we eagerly await the full operationalization of the Dangote Refinery, there's a palpable sense of hope in the air. This development has the potential to usher in a new era, mitigating the challenges posed by the high cost of petrol and positioning Nigeria as a self-sufficient player in the global energy market. While we cautiously acknowledge that this is still news, the optimism surrounding this milestone is undeniably contagious. Here's to hoping that 2025 will mark the year when Dangote Refinery becomes a beacon of progress for Nigeria and the entire West African region.
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Nairaland Shutdown ~ Why we shouldn't burn it down

In the wake of recent events, it's hard to ignore the controversies surrounding Nairaland Forum. The temporary takedown has brought to light the need to appreciate the unique aspects that set Nairaland apart, even in the face of its imperfections.

Nairaland, often criticized for its occasional descent into negative tribalism, presents a distinct advantage over platforms like Reddit. While some may find the discussions here discomforting, we must acknowledge the platform's commitment to free speech—a value that often takes precedence over political correctness.

One undeniable truth about Nairaland is its rawness. Unlike Reddit, where unpopular opinions can be buried beneath a sea of downvotes, Nairalanders have a reputation for addressing issues head-on. It's a place where, for better or worse, candidness is celebrated.

Reflecting on past discussions, I recall an instance where someone attempted to downplay the grim reality of ethnic cleansing in the Middle Belt, using impeccable English grammar to cloak their perspective. On Nairaland, such an individual would likely face immediate and unfiltered backlash—receiving the blunt honesty of fellow users who refuse to sugarcoat their responses.

This may seem like a 'disgusting' aspect of Nairaland, but let's consider it in the context of free speech. In a world where censorship and the suppression of differing opinions are becoming increasingly prevalent, Nairaland stands as a bastion for those who believe in the power of open dialogue, even if it means confronting uncomfortable truths.

As the platform faces challenges and undergoes necessary scrutiny, let's not forget the importance of fostering an environment where diverse opinions can coexist. For the sake of free speech, let's give Nairaland a second chance—a chance to evolve and demonstrate that the strength of our community lies in its ability to navigate the complexities of open discourse.

In solidarity for a more open and resilient Nairaland,

Yours @faceland
Ifeaka Terry

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Twitter X Downtime: A Glitch, Hack, or Psychological Experiment?

In recent hours, users of Twitter X, now under the ownership of Elon Musk, have been experiencing an unexpected and perplexing issue – the platform is down, hacked, or simply malfunctioning. As users eagerly navigate to their timelines, they are met with an eerie silence as the feed fails to display the usual stream of tweets. Instead, a peculiar phenomenon unfolds: the platform automatically suggests new profiles to follow.

Speculation runs rampant among users as they grapple with the mystery behind this unusual behavior. Is Twitter X the victim of a malicious hack, or is this an orchestrated experiment by the platform's owners? Elon Musk's influence has undoubtedly brought a wave of changes, but could this be a deliberate move to reshape user interactions?

One prevailing theory suggests that the automatic profile suggestions may be part of a psychological experiment aimed at increasing the number of followed profiles. By steering users toward new accounts, Twitter X could be testing the impact on user engagement and the dynamics of online connections. This strategy, if true, raises ethical questions about user consent and the boundaries of experimentation on social media platforms.

On the other hand, a more optimistic perspective points to a potential engineering glitch. Technical issues are not uncommon in the realm of social media platforms, and the timing of this incident might be purely coincidental. Users are left wondering if the platform's backend is experiencing a hiccup, resulting in the temporary disruption of the familiar Twitter X experience.

As the outage persists, the user community remains in the dark, unable to access their regular feed or comprehend the motives behind the automatic profile suggestions. The absence of official communication from Twitter X only fuels the speculation, leaving users to craft their own narratives to make sense of the situation.

Regardless of the cause, this unexpected downtime serves as a reminder of the inherent vulnerabilities and complexities of online platforms, even those under the leadership of visionaries like Elon Musk. Whether an intentional experiment or a technical glitch, the incident prompts users to reflect on the power dynamics within the social media landscape and the implications of such disruptions on their digital experiences.

As users eagerly await the resolution of the Twitter X downtime, one thing is certain – the incident has sparked conversations about the evolving nature of social media, privacy concerns, and the delicate balance between user experience and platform experimentation in the digital age.
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Friday, November 24, 2023

Artist Packaging themselves for the Art World with Limited Resources: An African Artist's Journey

In the bustling city of Bauchi (Nigeria), I find myself juggling between my passion for art and the need for a day job to sustain myself. Balancing these two worlds poses a unique challenge, especially when it comes to marketing and presenting my art.

My trusty laptop, albeit fairly effective, faces a significant hurdle – no battery. On the other hand, I have an ancient laptop, so slow that I playfully renamed it 'typewriter' because it struggles even with basic internet tasks. Despite its slowness, it comes with a battery. However, the catch is, I can't work online with it.

Complicating matters further is the unreliable electricity in Nigeria. At my workplace, there's only electricity from 6 pm to 6 am, making it impossible to carry my laptop and work during those hours. Financial constraints make getting a new laptop seem like a distant dream.

In this challenging scenario, my phone becomes my lifeline. Despite its limitations, I've managed to create a thumbnail using an online editor called Canva. This tiny device has also been my tool for creating videos, recording voiceovers, and even converting text to speech.

While the road ahead may be tough, and the resources limited, I'm determined to make the most of what I have. Every creation, every video, and every piece of art is a step forward in my artistic journey. Thank you for joining me on this challenging yet rewarding path.

Thanks for reading through.
Artist Ifeaka Terry

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Friday, November 10, 2023

Grok and ChatGPT Face Off ~ AI Chat that is not politically correct

Grok Ai
Elon Musk's introduce Ai Chat

Elon Musk recently unveiled his latest AI chat, Grok, under his Venture XAI initiative. Grok boasts noticeably fewer restrictions compared to its competitors and is promoted as capable of answering questions with a touch of wit and a rebellious streak. The company's website humorously warns against using it if you hate humor, claiming Grok can respond to spicy questions typically rejected by other AI systems.

While the announcement doesn't clarify the exact meaning of "spicy" or "rebellious" in the context of commercial AI, concerns arise about potential risks. Most AI models are programmed to abstain from generating explicit, violent, or illegal content and minimize biases. Without such safeguards, there's a worry about AI's potential involvement in nefarious activities.

XAI's announcement mentions that Grok is built upon a language model known as Grok 1, featuring an impressive 33 billion parameters. They claim to have developed Grok in just two months, highlighting a significant advantage in real-time knowledge through the XPlatform, formerly known as Twitter, acquired by Musk for $44 billion in 2022.

Stella Biderman, an AI researcher with Uther AI, finds XAI's claims credible, suggesting that Grok likely employs retrieval-augmented generation to incorporate current information from the XPlatform into its output. Other advanced language models, like ChatGPT, also use similar techniques, relying on search engine results and other sources.

Over the past year, large language models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities, ingesting extensive text data from books and the internet. They undergo human-guided training to reduce the likelihood of generating offensive or dangerous content, enhancing their ability to provide coherent responses. However, they still remain susceptible to errors and biases. The launch of Elon Musk's new AI chat raises questions about its practical use, with skeptics viewing it as a potential hype or the next big thing after ChatGPT.

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