Any social media website I concentrate on, usually grows in
it followings and Instagram was not an exception. I joined Instagram in 2014
(when I got my first smart phone) and since then, my page only has about 40
posts (which is evidence of negligence). Until now, I didn’t realise that
Instagram is a very important social media platform that could be used to reach
many people. I know of artist that concentrate all their energy on their
Facebook page and has not yet joint Instagram.
Recently, I implemented a campaign to get more followers on
Instagram by connecting with those
in the art industry. The plan was to amass a large number of followings and
hope that some would follow back and, hopefully with time, we would connect in
some casual form or the other. My intension is also to sell an artwork before
the end of the year. Well, it wasn’t long (precisely one week, I was able to
gain over 1500 new followers)… So I implemented what I would consider as ‘ethical
spamming’. Spamming to me is form of deception and manipulation but also a
marketing tactics. There is thin line between marketing and ‘virtual terrorism’.
To most of us, even the legitimate advisement can be a nuisance and unethical. During
my campaign, I noticed those who would follow a profile, then unfollow that
person as soon as they follow back. I often wonder that they are trying to achieve
(because the aim of social media is to interact with each other and not just to
accumulate a large number of following).
I regard the method of spamming I am using as ethical because
my sincere goal is to connect with majority of those who follow back. There was
one guy in particular that followed and unfollow me 5 times. I stopped
following him back after the 4th time.