The founding fathers of my country (those that fought for the independence of Nigeria) promised us Electricity, Water and Good–road. Today, those that are running for political office are still promising us Electricity, Water, and Good-roads_______
The government plays so many games. Do you know that in the year 2008, the government are talking about revitalizing a locomotive rail way system? Other countries are talking about electric train that are almost as fast as a speedy bullet, these guys are still struggling to complete a project they have been promising from ever since _______
It was the great Fela Kuti (RIP) that broke down the words:
I gat to short my mouth here because there is freedom of speech hear but I am not sure if there is freedom AFTER speech (if you know what I mean) _______
Above is a picture of an Original Card-board collage (coated in fine-thin plastic) for preservation, longitively and durability. Accompanied by an Aluminum Frame (silver color) custom made. It is a collage that is as hard as a wooden board. It was made by: I first cut little pieces of black and white card-board and then gum them together to produce this image of a man with a cap and gown (an Africa Politician from imagination). It is For Sale at:
Ife’ka Terry
The government plays so many games. Do you know that in the year 2008, the government are talking about revitalizing a locomotive rail way system? Other countries are talking about electric train that are almost as fast as a speedy bullet, these guys are still struggling to complete a project they have been promising from ever since _______
It was the great Fela Kuti (RIP) that broke down the words:
I gat to short my mouth here because there is freedom of speech hear but I am not sure if there is freedom AFTER speech (if you know what I mean) _______
Above is a picture of an Original Card-board collage (coated in fine-thin plastic) for preservation, longitively and durability. Accompanied by an Aluminum Frame (silver color) custom made. It is a collage that is as hard as a wooden board. It was made by: I first cut little pieces of black and white card-board and then gum them together to produce this image of a man with a cap and gown (an Africa Politician from imagination). It is For Sale at:
Ife’ka Terry