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Friday, November 24, 2023

Artist Packaging themselves for the Art World with Limited Resources: An African Artist's Journey

In the bustling city of Bauchi (Nigeria), I find myself juggling between my passion for art and the need for a day job to sustain myself. Balancing these two worlds poses a unique challenge, especially when it comes to marketing and presenting my art.

My trusty laptop, albeit fairly effective, faces a significant hurdle – no battery. On the other hand, I have an ancient laptop, so slow that I playfully renamed it 'typewriter' because it struggles even with basic internet tasks. Despite its slowness, it comes with a battery. However, the catch is, I can't work online with it.

Complicating matters further is the unreliable electricity in Nigeria. At my workplace, there's only electricity from 6 pm to 6 am, making it impossible to carry my laptop and work during those hours. Financial constraints make getting a new laptop seem like a distant dream.

In this challenging scenario, my phone becomes my lifeline. Despite its limitations, I've managed to create a thumbnail using an online editor called Canva. This tiny device has also been my tool for creating videos, recording voiceovers, and even converting text to speech.

While the road ahead may be tough, and the resources limited, I'm determined to make the most of what I have. Every creation, every video, and every piece of art is a step forward in my artistic journey. Thank you for joining me on this challenging yet rewarding path.

Thanks for reading through.
Artist Ifeaka Terry

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